

Page history last edited by fenuz 10 years, 8 months ago

ALERGIC was founded ~1990 in COGS, University of Sussex, by 4 or 5 research students as the Artificial LifE Reading Group In Cogs.


This expanded, became formalised as the EASY (Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems) group, now overlapping with the CCNR (Centre for Computational Neurosciences and Robotics) at the University of Sussex. We are the largest Artificial Life research group in the world, with ~10 faculty and research fellows, ~30 doctoral research students, ~25 MSc students; and >> 100 ex-members in research institutes around the world. Our members have organised two European Conferences on Artificial Life, ECAL1997 in Brighton and ECAL2007 in Lisbon, and ex-Sussex members organised the 2008 ALife Conference ALIFE XI in Winchester, UK.


Now Alergic is an email list for notifying Alergic people within Sussex and beyond about meetings, or any other items of interest -- plus organises meetings of its own, currently on Wednesdays in termtime. See Calendar on FrontPage.


To be added to the ALergic email list, either subscribe via http://lists.sussex.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/informatics_alergic_list or email inmanh@gmail.com


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Comments (3)

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at 3:39 pm on Jun 18, 2014

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